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We're home...

I had a great expectation ~ that when we went home to the United States it would be like exhaling after a year of new things, new relationships and new situations. As it turned out that exhale didn't come until we returned to Nicaragua. It is good to be home.

It was such a strange, almost surreal thing being home in Edmonds. When we started our car insurance, the people told us our insurance would be more because as missionaries we are riskier, really? But as it turned out, maybe they are right. My first day driving I almost got in a fight in the Costco parking lot. I moved my car a little when there was a couple walking near by and the man started hitting on my car, came to the passenger window, yelling at me. Really I was a little heart broken, I didn't understand why he was so angry. I saw so many impatient people and had a sense of an attitude of "it is my right".

One day Dwight and I were at a store at U Village and I saw a bracelet made from wooden beads and magazine beads, they wanted $48 for it! This type of bead I have been trying to make with the girls in the Villa, we have also been finding seeds from the Guanacaste tree to make into jewelry. Our bracelets will look the same. I think what got me that day was that the price tag said "made in Cambodia", and I couldn't help but wonder how much of that $48 will that person in Cambodia receive?

Later we went to Starbucks and covering a whole wall was a giant picture of a man sorting through coffee beans. All you could see of the man was a straw hat and giant black arms. The question in my mind, how much does this 1 Starbucks make in 1 day and how much is that man making?

All of these moments made my heart and my mind so heavy. Would I ever have understood without living in Nicaragua? Without knowing the people that are working so hard everyday just to feed their family for 1 day? I know God has not forgotten even one of these. What is He calling me to do? I don't know the answer to that yet, or how to solve anything but i know that He has asked me to walk alongside many to give them hope for today.

Did I tell you yet about the amazing friends God has put in our lives? I am overwhelmed by their love and sacrifice for our family! There were a few times when I thought maybe we are crazy for having left such beautiful friendships but it has been those friendships that have pushed us and given us the confidence to live a new life. They continue to encourage us, remember us, support us and love us even from a long distance.
I loved the moments when I could sit in a group and just listen to everyone talking....because I understood! I loved the moments that I had with different groups of women studying God's Word, listening to all that He is doing in their lives. I loved listening to Pastor Brian Boone, preach God's Word from the book of Judges ~ hard truth. I loved meals shared with good friends. I loved the lingering conversations I had with friends as we would say goodbye. I loved the hugs of so many precious people. I loved eating crab. I loved looking for whales. I loved just being together with all of you.

I am so thankful for the listening ear when I was tired and couldn't make sense of things. I am so thankful for the one that said rest, don't worry, everything will be ok. I am so thankful for the delicious food that our country has, but I am not thankful for the 8 extra pounds I brought home!
Josh and Maggie are still in Washington, spending the rest of their summer break! Maybe we should call it a winter break as the weather in Washington has been grey, rainy and cold. They are loving it! William, Dwight and I made our way back to Managua on July 7. A team from Edmonds was here and so we went right to work.

Our dear friends Kerri and Landon stayed a few extra days. Our activities were limited as I had yet to unpack from a month away and then the radiator on our car blew up. We were without a car for several days and once it was fixed the smell of gasoline lingered. I didn't think too much about it because it had the same smell the last time we had it fixed. Dwight suspected a problem and indeed when I talked with the mechanic and he checked more closely, he discovered a leak in the fuel line. He told me to park immediately, that if I drove the car it could explode. We are starting the process of looking for a new car! We need something strong and reliable, that can carry a lot of people ~ would you pray with us that God show us the right car, at the right time and that we would have the money. Cars are very expensive in Nicaragua, so we need God's direction.

I don't want to tell you everything now.... so I will save a few stories for next time. It is good to be back. We have Landon Machado living with us and working with us until September, he is a huge blessing! I have had lot's of time to spend with the girls at the Villa, it's been good. Last night we celebrate Geyzel's 15 birthday, it was a beautiful night marked with much heart break as well. Please pray for her family.

I love you all and hope today that you will look to see where God is working, because He always is and He is waiting for you to join Him!

Until now you have not asked for anything in my name.
Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.
John 16:24


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