Did I mention that? Most of you know already that our family decided in January to stay in Nicaragua longer than the first agreed upon year. It would be silly for me to say anything different than, we'll be home when God makes it clear that we are to be home.
In December Josh and Maggie were in tears at the idea of staying in Nicaragua but for whatever reason we always said we would decide in January, so I tried not to worry so much about those tears. But I was worried, especially as Dwight and I were feeling that we were going to stay, how could I do that to the kids? As I worried, God told me not to ~ that He was speaking to their hearts and He would give them peace. Sure enough, the day we told Josh and Maggie that we were thinking of staying, they said, "OK".
In February I was home for 2 weeks. As I travelled home, I was so tired. I wanted to sleep on the plane but couldn't. Somewhere in my travel day, God gave the verse Psalm 73:28 "As for me it is good to be near God. The Sovereign Lord is my Refuge. I will tell of all your deeds." Since I read that verse I haven't forgotten it!
Every minute of my time at home was full ~ full of friends, family, His presence and blessings. In my own strength I would have crashed but God was my Refuge and He gave me words. I was even able to share on Spirit 105.3 the work He is doing through Forward Edge International in Nicaragua! Here's a link if you want to listen Spirit 105.3.
Thank you to every person that made my time at home so special.
While I was at home, Dwight was here in Nicaragua facilitating a team from Roseville, California. This stretched the whole family but they did beautifully and when I came home ~ they were all still happy!
The team built an amazing chicken coup! They bought 20 chickens and within hours of them arriving we had our first egg, whith in the first week, each chicken was laying 1 egg a day!

It is so fun to watch the 3 houses taking turns owning the project! They are doing so well. This picture is Luisa and Maria del Carmen visiting the chickens.
When I got home we had one day together as a family and then welcomed a team from Cookville, Tennessee. They were a great, fun team of only 7 people. They worked hard and blessed a lot of people!
Tennessee left on Saturday and then Sunday night our friends Jennifer and Glen came from Yakima. Jennifer is doing her residency in Yakima and so we had to take every medical opportunity we could ! There is man in the dump that broke his knee in December. He has had 3 surgeries and has been many months in bed. Forward Edge teams have helped a lot.
It was great to take Jennifer there to give him some medical attention that he needed. From several doctors opinions, his knee looks good. There was an abscess that Jennifer was able to help with. It's amazing to see someone that for so long was just a kid, now as an adult with the knowledge of how to save lives!
While Jennifer and Glen were still here, we welcomed our very own men from CCF, our home church! They were a small team so we combined them with another small team from Ohio. The teams mixed beautifully, thanks to great leadership from both teams.
The men kept a blog while they were here, please click on CCF men if you want to read how lives were transformed in their time here in Nicaragua.
It was such a blessing to have them here!
This week we are working on finding a little bit of normal. God has been doing so many good things ~ the best..... a sweet girl named Melissa received Him as her Savior last Friday! and there has been so much more. Remember "every good and perfect thing is from above" and therefore when something good happens we know that God is working!
I love you all so much and hope you always remember that we could not be here with out you!
***Melissa is wearing the green tshirt. Please pray for her as she adjusts to this new life in Christ!
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