The longer we are here the more I realize I don't understand so many things. I know that eventually we will be in a place with so much more wisdom and understanding than we ever had, but I think before that can happen our slates have to be cleared and space has to be made for the new information we are receiving daily. Our slates can only be cleared if we are willing to let go of our own ideas and our old ways of thinking ~ our grip has loosened and God is taking the old and planting the new.
Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world (in our case the patterns of the U.S.), but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - his
good, pleasing and perfect will.
Romans 12:2
Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. 2 Corinthians 3:17, 18
If you know me, you know that what comes out of my mouth is what is in my heart. I struggle to say what someone might want to hear if it is not what is the truth of my heart. I think for that reason I haven't written so much. I have thought a lot. I am confident that God is good, He is faithful and He has an eternal plan for each one of us, I hope you know that.
This time in Nicaragua has been amazing and so hard. (Right now I can hear mom saying, "well then, come home immediately!" Hahaha I love that response because it is rooted in so much love.) My point in sharing is that I know that there is no better place to be than exactly in the middle of God's plan - and I can say without hesitation that we are in the palm of His hand and He will never let go. What joy we have knowing that He knows every moment of everyday. He is transforming our family and making us a new creation - that to me is a priceless gift that I hope we can share with others.
I imagine you want to know a little of what we have been doing....
Josh, Maggie and William just returned to school after almost a month of vacation. As always it is good to be in bit of a routine again.
December started off with my brother, Tyler, visiting for 2 weeks. We loved this time. To be able share with my family our life in Nicaragua and those that are so precious to us was amazing. Tyler told me that before he thought we were crazy for leaving our life but after being here and spending time with so many people he understands completely why we are here.
Christmas morning was a blessing for the kids thanks to my mom and Lucy and our sweet CCF family, who showered us with little things we were missing from home.
December 26, Boxing Day.... we were up early and off the Costa Rica. Nicaragua requires that after 180 days in the country - you leave. So we took the bus and headed south. We learned that the day after Christmas is the worst time to go to Costa Rica :) But our visas were renewed, we ate good food, spent time as a family, had plenty of laughs, a few tears and came home.
New Years Eve was a hit! For the first time ever we bought fireworks and at midnight Josh, William and several others lit them off. Josh was ready take up residence in Nicaragua that night! He said the fireworks were the greatest thing EVER!!!!

New Years Day we headed to the beach. While we were there a friend sent Josh a text saying the the Winter Classic Hockey game was on tv. He couldn't believe there was a hockey game on tv and he was missing it. On our way home that night I received a message from my brother saying that the Winter Classic was on tv, hmmmmmm. It didn't make sense to us. As it turned out and God's great blessing to Josh (and me because I love hockey) was that the morning game had been postponed for rain, an old game was shown and we made it home in the first quarter of the Winter Classic! God is good!
Our friend Andi visited us January 4-10. She was Maggies blessing! Andi loved Maggie so well in this time and they talked and talked. We were busy. It was good. God is good!
Everyday good things happen and we know that "every good and perfect thing is from God". So we will give him all the glory.
I'm sorry that I haven't communicated well in this time. I know God has asked me to share. So if you don't mind I will share more of the process ~ some days will be a better story than others.
This week we wrote an acronym for our name:
What an awesome family!
May God bless you today.
from Mother Teresa....
We should ask ourselves, "Have I really experienced the joy of loving?" True love is love that causes us pain, that hurts, and yet brings us joy. That is why we must pray and ask for the courage to love.
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