WOW! I forgot to tell you so much of what we have done! Things I have to tell you! So many amazing things have happened in the ministry in this last month! The girls from the Villa spent a week at home for the first time in 2 and 1/2 years ~ God blessed them and protected them in this time. The morning that they were leaving we had a long talk about what they could possibly expect and the reality of their lives became very real. Wilbert and Gloria explained to them what to do if there was no soap to wash with or toothpaste to brush their teeth with, what to do if there was not food for meals. How to protect themselves and what their rights are as young women. The harsh reality of what "home" is.... was so harsh, and they still LOVE their homes. We had several Christmas parties! The families of the girls came for dinner at the Villa, they received a "canasta", a basket filled with food and we had a pinata for the parents ~ it was awesome!!! Their is a man ...
When God works in your life and changes your heart, it becomes your job to make God known and tell of the amazing things he has done! This blog is my way of sharing God's faithfulness in the journey that he has already begun in my life. I want to tell of his amazing love and how he carries out his plan.