The month and a half between Thanksgiving and Christmas is our families absolute favorite time of the year. It's a time when there is no better place to be than with family or enjoying longs days at home together ~ there is something magical about this time of year! How will this happen in Nicaragua? Dwight and I will work hard to make our home, "our home"! I know that God will give us the same peace and joy that He has faithfully given and we will give Him all the credit as He does this.
One great blessing, that comes with a hint of sadness too... we will be getting a couch and loveseat on November 29! Our dear neighbors, the Beaustamontes are returning to the states after living for 4 years in Nicaragua. We committed to buy some of their furniture several months ago and I think in God's perfect plan the furniture will come at a time we need to create a home more than ever!
We are more thankful than ever this year! We are thankful for....
all of our family!
all of our friends!
for a beautiful church family in Edmonds and also in Managua!
to have the opportunity to serve God in a tangible way every day!
for our health!
for everyone that has and will visit!
for Gods provision!
He has truly given us more than we could ask for or imagine! He is the Author and Perfecter of our faith, so we will continue to trust Him daily. He will accomplish the work He has started and He will allow us to help if we are willing to be willing.
So much has happened in the last month! Here is a brief run down...
We have added 9 more to the Villa family.
We met a wonderful family from Oregon that was a great encouragement to Dwight with the aquaponic project and a blessing to all at the Villa ~ thanks Rick and team!
My dear friends LaFon and Kari visited, encouraged and learned so much!
"My Virginia Beach Team" came with a 3rd team to Nicaragua ~ we spent the week in Rio Blanco.
Josh is training for a triathlon on December 4.
The kids, once again received the most amazing progress reports.
Dwight spent a weekend at Montelimar with the men from International Christian Fellowship, he was refreshed and so encouraged.
We continue to lead the youth group at the Villa.
And what is coming up...
We are spending Thanksgiving with Mario's family in the community of Pochote... I went about a month ago with them and loved the community, this time we will work with a school and people that live out in the mountains.
We are going to Leon on Saturday for a Tombola ~ I will explain what this is when I understand more! It is a celebration with the kids.
Xochilt from the Villa will be going home to live with her family this Saturday. Please pray for her, for safetly, love and continued health and growth.
My brother Tyler is coming on December 3!!!!
I am sure I have missed something but that gives a brief glimpse.
We love you guys and are so thankful that you are a part of our lives.
I lift my eyes up
unto the mountains
where does my help come from?
My help comes from You
Maker of Heaven
Creator of the Earth
Oh how I need you Lord
to come and rescue me
to come and bring me hope
~a psalm, a favorite song of mine!
God bless you today.
Everyone in Edmonds ~ ENJOY THE SNOW!!!!!!
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