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It's been a while....

These last weeks have been an important time for Dwight and I. We have had a lot of time to talk about a lot of things. We are learning so much, so so much. We will celebrate our 17th wedding anniversary in December and when I think back to learning how to be married and live with someone else seemed so difficult, deciding who was right about where to put the silverware. Silverware seems so easy now. Living in a new culture has made us aware of all of our insecurities and shortcomings. We are learning to love each other with grace and humility ~ recognizing that God will still give us a peace that surpasses all understanding. God is good all the time!

Maybe 4 weeks ago we all started to feel a little antsy, we were really missing a church family. We had been going to El Faro, the ministry to La Chureca. It seemed very important to be at church with the girls that we are here to support, but something was missing. We didn't understand anything. We would go because it felt like the right thing to do but our hearts and our minds did not receive what they so desperately needed. So after much conversation and prayer we are going to a church called "International Christian Fellowship", they meet at the kids school. The kids had received many invitations to be there from classmates and so they were happy to make the change. We are thankful for the opportunity to worship with some amazing missionaries and in english, hahaha.

Dwight and I started spanish classes on Monday. It's important. We both want to communicate with the people we are with. Dwight shared an interesting perception with me the other day. He said usually, in english speaking situations, we pick up what other people are saying. We hear things at the super market, on the news, on the radio, somewhere that trigger thoughts in our heads that lead to other thoughts and so on.... When you live in a place where you don't understand the language, your mind is not triggered by any other conversations, you can be in a busy place and hear nothing but noise, you are stuck with your own thoughts and what your eyes see but nothing more. I shared with him that I was feeling like such a dummy, like I have no intelligent thought to share and at the end of the day I am so tired. When he shared this, I felt relieved that indeed I am no dummy, I just have to be proactive in filling my mind with thoughts that it can process; God's Word, other books, more great conversations with Dwight, my neighbors and even this spanish class that brought much laughter and appreciation for the beautiful language we are learning.

What a wonderful surprise it was to have my friend Jhonny come to my house the other day saying that a letter had arrived for me at his house! I was so surprised. I only gave my address to 2 people because I was sure that it was not possible to receive any, the church and the insurance company. I didn't even give my address but the address of our dear Nica friends, they live behind us.

Jhonny said that a motorcycle came to his house calling for (phenetically speaking) "Kotty MaCru", they had no idea who he was looking for! They all looked at each other a little puzzled until they looked at the envelope and with a sigh said, "oh..... Katie!" Then they proceeded and persisted to tell him that I didn't live there, that I lived at Quinta Alyson. I love this because Jhonny was coming to my house in 5 minutes!!! I think they were a little nervous because there would be a big problem if the mail didn't get to the person it was addressed to. Eventually they signed for it and the man left.

When Jhonny gave me the letter I just looked at it for the longest time! I couldn't believe something like that could find me. The line from Amazing Grace that says "I once was lost but now am found" became so real! I was so thankful.

The letter was from our church, Community Christian Fellowship. It was a birthday card from the Missions Committee for me. I opened it and then came the painful part........... there was a Starbucks Card! This gave Dwight and I the biggest laugh because in Nicaragua there is no Starbucks. I think the laugh that I got was the best gift!
The letter had been opened a couple of times I think, it was resealed and taped quite well. It's a good thing they don't know Starbucks or the card and the laugh would have been gone.

In this picture: from William to the right, Maria Celeste, Mama Sandra, Ana, Murel y Brittany.
Saturday night we went to a beautiful choir concert and the Reuben Dario Teatro in Managua. It was wonderful to sit in the midst of beautiful music. Afterwards we went for a very typical Nicaraguan dish; carne asada, gallo pinto (rice and beans) tajata frita (fried plantain) y queso ~ muy rico!

From Dwight to the right: Natalie, Maria, Alondra, Susie, Martha, Sara y Scarleth.

From Josh to the right: Monica, Maggie, Perla, Xochilt, Erminia

And these little guys.... Eveline (9), Ana (5), Frania (3), Eduardo (?), Jose (6) and Aron (9)
Jhonny introduced Dwight and I to these little guys last week. They live on his street. He asked me if there is anyway we can help them. They spend the day unattended, their mom sells ice cream in the street and often comes home drunk, their dad works all day and comes home around 9:30 or 10. Their dad brings them food and the other day we saw them collecting firewood together, it seems like a sweet relationship ~ a dad working hard to give the best that he knows to his kids.

I smile every time I see these guys. It is such a privelige just to have time with them. We have been reading books, we have washed their hair (they have plenty of lice) and their little feet. What do they need the most? This question stays with me always. What can I do for them that will stay with them when I am not?

Please pray for them. I will keep you posted.

Another new friend...
Is it a tarantula? I think so. It looks like every picture I have ever seen. We found this in Maggie and Williams bathroom the other day. Of course we killed it. As Dwight was hitting it with the dust pan we had legs going every direction, when it every leg and the body were separated it still tried to escape, it was yucky!

Managua has already doubled it's rainfall from last year. 4 kids have died because of the rain. Many times kids don't go to school because of the rain. The rain does a lot of damage in Nicaragua. The system does not handle so much rain so well so roads are always changing; potholes and floods. It is always an adventure and during a rain storm you have to either stop or just make sure you are not going to a low spot in the city!

Josh, Maggie and William are doing so well! Josh and Maggie have so many friends, the other night at the theater they saw many people they know from school. Josh is going to Young Life tonight and he and Maggie both enjoy the Youth Group that happens every other Friday night at ICF (our church). Josh has his 2 soccer game on Friday ~ he plays Flor de Liz's sons team. Their is a service club that meets on Saturday mornings and the kids enjoy that. William is busy with all the kids in our neighborhood, there is always a soccer game, bikes or frisbees.

Our family is working together to have a youth group for the girls at the Villa on Tuesdays. Our time last night was very special, we played silly games, sang songs and talked about how it is possible to have joy in the midst of a difficult situation. I see joy in these girls, maybe more than any other change ~ they have the joy of the Lord.

Dwight and Mario, the guard, are going to plant carrots, onions, peppers, lettuce and cilantro tomorrow ~ we went to the seed store with Mario today so he could choose foods common to Nicaragua. We have tons of albahaca, basil, growing in the aquaponic project BUT.... this is not a typical food here. We'll see how it goes.

Tonight Dwight and I are going to dinner with Gloria and Wilbert. I hope it is a time of laughter and relaxation for all.

We love you guys and are so thankful that you are in our lives. We would love to hear from you, whether an email or maybe you will send us a letter. The address you can use is.....

The McGrew's
km 11 1/2 carretera a vieja a leon
entrada a residencial bosques de Miraflores
300 metros al norte, 50 metros al oeste
Managua, Nicaragua


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