We were celebrating Flor's birthday in front of the computer ~ Bart, Kerri and family were talking on skype with us. Technology at this moment was such a blessing!

Dwight and I at Katarina ~ Laguna de Apoyo is close behind and Lake Managua or Nicaragua (I am not sure) in the distance!

Not everyone is so excited about Lola the monkey! We had a great day with the staff from the Villa boating through the the islands in Granada. We laughed so hard. I love to see people laugh, maybe that is my hearts desire to spend time with people I love the most and laugh and laugh and laugh!!!!

I will only write a little. Dwight left on Tuesday to go home to spend time with his dad, the next day my dear sweet friend Tamara came. This is a huge gift from God that he would give us so much time to catch up and share our hearts. She is such a gift because she see's God working all the time and see's the pain of a broken heart ~ we can share so much. The week before I got to the point where I wanted/ NEEDED to hear the Word of God! I can read it and saturate myself with spanish worship but in this moment I was longing to hear Gods Word, my precious friend has spoken Gods Word and encouraged me to receive it more.
Dwight and Dolores ~ beautiful Dolores!
Not everyone is so excited about Lola the monkey! We had a great day with the staff from the Villa boating through the the islands in Granada. We laughed so hard. I love to see people laugh, maybe that is my hearts desire to spend time with people I love the most and laugh and laugh and laugh!!!!
The beginning of the journey into Lake Nicaragua with the Villa staff.
The whole staff at Katarina ~ they are so cute! and they worked so hard this summer.
It seems like Dwight is doing well at home. My prayer is that the time would be refreshing to him and that he would receive the love from many people. I think it is a good opportunity for us to process all that has been happening so we can share with each other when he returns.
God is so good.
Tamara brought salmon and sweet corn from home, yesterday we purchased a bbq and had the most amazing dinner!!!!!!
I lift my eyes up unto the mountains, where does my help come from? My help comes from You, Maker of Heaven, Creator of the Earth!!!
Oh how I need you Lord, you are my only hope, you are my only prayer. So i will wait for You, Lord, to come and rescue me. And as He does; rescue me, lift my eyes and give me hope ~ I will share with everyone who gives me the opportunity to share the hope that I have.
Love you all!!! If you see Dwight give him a big hug! If you want to contact him 425 773-3517
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