Martha and Alondra enjoying the day out at the soccer game! Free Saturday's are a gift for all of us!
Josh and Brittany at the Lion's soccer game yesterday. You have to be careful where you sit or stand because there are these tiny black ants that will swarm your foot in seconds, they bite and it hurts!!!

We enjoyed the soccer game yesterday, Saturday after my wonderful Rock of Roseville team left. They were here for a week and it was great to see how God worked in their lives. The team leader was a man named Bob Hasty, he used to be the head Pastor at MillCreek Four Square church. What a small world, we know many of the same people. Our team spent time in several places, a favorite was spending time with the people from la chureca that live near the lake. This is a part of the dump that doesn't get the same attention of other parts. The people are sweet and so willing to receive our love as well as give us their love. We took 20 of the kids to see Shrek 4 one afternoon, it was very fun to take them away for an afternoon, to a clean, cool place where they could just rest.
Josh has really stepped us as a leader in so many ways. He is always willing to help with worship and games. He said yesterday that next summer he wants to work as a translator for the teams ~ that is ambitious! His spanish is progressing..... he is asking lots of questions about all the locations we serve so he can answer questions.
We work with great people! Mario and Natalie took Josh, Maggie and William to a game arcade, pizza and to see a movie on Friday night ~ they all had a great time and I got to go to sleep early!
Dwight, Mario and Josh had "blind man massages" one day while we were visiting Granada. At first I thought that was kind of a rude way to talk about it until I saw the sign and that is exactly what it is ~ A Blind Man Massage. When you think about it, it makes a lot of sense that they would be great at feeling all the knots and pains when they depend on their hands to sense so much! I think I could use a massage soon, the floors are so hard and it seems like all day we stand.
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