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Around a round-a-bout and around and around and around.....

Having way too much fun at the mall in our free time!
Our Virginia Beach Team (maybe I am a little possessive)
Martha, Maggie and Monica looking beautiful for Karina's quincenera. The girls dressed Maggie this night, it was very special!!
We worked all day at Bethel School and then the kids shared cultural dances with us.
Katia y Katie ~ she is at HAT, a temporary foster care program for kids in danger.
She has captured my heart.
A family that lives at Tipitapa, across the road from the kitchen we built that will host the feeding program.
Praying to dedicate the kitchen and feeding program to God.
One of the 342 islands in Granada. How did they get there?
kids at Tipitapa
Maggie is in the red shorts, she is so good with kids.

It's all about the rotundas here in Nicaragua! What used to terrify me, I am now thankful for because it allows to me try again to find the place that I was trying to find! And when I still don't find it I just go around again. Maybe there should be rotundas in life!

The number one rule on a rotunda is, you cannot change lanes. So before arriving at the rotunda you have to know which direction you are going ~ I would say left, right or straight, Dwight says "how do you tell someone which direction" and then there are those that speak spanish but are giving directions in english and can't get it straight if a la izquierda is to the right or the left and inevitably it is always wrong! Dwight thinks at a rotunda you should speed up, after all it doesn't say to go any slower and I was thinking that we should slow way down ~ the correct answer is slow down a pay attention!

We have had a lot of laughs and moments where we should probably be fighting we have chosen to still laugh ~ what else can you do when it just does not make any sense? He's not right and I am not right ~ it's all just different.

School is going well! What a difference a week makes. There is a lot of homework and many new friends. Josh started soccer, which he loves. The coach works them very hard. He is not sure if he will make the team but he is having a great time working out with them. I love the school because they are tough academically and challenging my kids physically. Josh and Maggie have school pictures today, I am not sure how it works because they didn't send home the packet or a note with information.

I am thankful because the kids are seeming peaceful. I am sure it is a combination of many things; I am with them, they have a routine and they are getting rest. It's good.

Dwight will be going home on August 31 until September 10, we found out that his dad's long time companion, Phyllis past away last Saturday. Phyllis was very special to all of us; especially Maggie. Phyllis was such a great encouragement for my kids to love reading. Dwight wants to help his dad out with whatever he needs right now.

Yesterday we had the most amazing rain storm! I have NEVER seen rain like this, within minutes the roads were rushing rivers. We happened to be out driving, we were running errands and it was time to pick the kids up from school. We were going probably 15 or 20 mph and still could barely see. The roads are FILLED with potholes and the rain always brings new ones and fills some in. It was like ......... well really I have no words to describe it.

We found out last night that a girl named Ana, 14 years old, was walking home from school at the time of the rain and she lost her footing and was washed away by the water and drowned, this happened on our street. How could this kind of thing happen? Her mom hasn't left my mind. I don't know her, apparently she is a cook at the kids school. My heart breaks for her and my prayer is that she can let go of the image of her daughters death and remember her daughter in every good way.

Dwight and I have taken time this week to get a lot done at our house. It feels like we are settling in. I think we have decided to buy our furniture rather than rent it, this way we can make it how we want our home. One of the greatest blessings for Dwight is a man named Eddy that works here at Quinta Allyson, he is the fix it man. He and Dwight have spent a lot of time together and he has helped Dwight with this list in his mind that is always growing. Things that would be second nature to him at home, he is completely handicapped in here. Eddy has helped Dwight so much!!!

Ok, maybe that is enough for right now. We are so thankful for all of you and I am so thankful to hear from you, hint hint.

I will try to get the kids to write soon.


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