Yes, we are here and have been for a few days. I am sorry that I haven't written sooner but.......
On Monday night, June 28 I received a phone call that our flight was canceled! They rescheduled us to fly out at 1pm on Tuesday, June 29 and arrive in St. Louis, MO at 6:45 pm and fly out at 6:05 am to Miami and arrive in Managua at 11:45 on the 30th. WHAT? Our 11 hours of travel turned into 23 hours, what could we do but laugh and watch to see what God would do next. As Dwight and I were considering what was best for our family, Josh was in with my parents praying that we wouldn't be stressed out or worried and that God would show us what was best for our family. Of course what was best for our family was to fly to St. Louis and have a night together, just us. We laughed and talked and ate great food at the TGI Fridays in our hotel ~ it was such a great gift from God and not once did we have to question why He would do it this way. God has been so faithful in our lives and as we walk, trusting Him, He faithfully puts the next step in place right when we need it! We needed time to be together as a family.
A great blessing came in our flight to St. Louis as we talked with the flight attendants, apparently they were supposed to be on our canceled flight with us and now they were missing vacation it was a good opportunity to listen to them and encourage. We were most blessed by the people sitting behind us, Chris and Chris after sharing a little of our story they eagerly prayed for us and asked us to keep them updated on how things go and if they can help. People are amazing!
You know we were a little judgmental about St. Louis, why St. Louis? As it turned out the place is beautiful and so green. Our waitress at the restaurant grew up there and told us all the wonderful things about her state, I think she would have sat with us our whole meal if we invited her.
The other thing I was praying constantly was that whoever received our baggage would be FULL of grace! We packed 12 50lb. suitcases, 5 large carry ons and each had a back pack. We were met curbside by the most gracious porter, who checked us in all the way to Managua! Every piece of luggage made in to Managua with us, though, we were quite a site in the Managua Airport.
Well this is our third night in our new home, 4th in Nicaragua and I haven't even mentioned a thing that has happened here! That will have to wait as our days are exhausting and now I want to sleep. I will write soon. I just want you to know how our canceled flight turned into a gift.
Please pray for Maggie, the thought of this being our home is a bit of a reality check. Pray for Will and Josh to remember to wear sunscreen, we are not in Seattle anymore (sorry that it's still raining), and finally please pray for Dwight and I to catch up on our rest and understanding all the quirks of living in Nicaragua. Not quirks, just not Edmonds.
We love you all! Thank you for being a part of our lives!
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