This post is mostly for the parents of our Edmonds Team! They are here, the are great and they are learning so much already!
What a great team. They are eager to share their hearts and share in relationships together.
When they arrived they were WIPED OUT! The Houston airport was cold and the floors were hard. Our time at the hotel they spent sleeping, swimming and worshipping together. They ate well. We attended El Faro Church yesterday, this is the church that ministers to families from the dump. As it turned out they were having elections for the student ministries so church was extra long! Mike and I were asked to be International Observers, making sure the vote was clean. While we were involved in the voting, our team totally jumped in by loving the kids all around them (there was probably 100 kids there yesterday). I was so please that they didn't wait to be told what to do, but the saw the need and met it!
Sundays are usually a day of rest, so our afternoon was spent watching the end of the World Cup with everyone from the Villa and then we watched the movie "The Tooth Fairy" with the girls. After dinner we had a great time of worship and sharing with the girls. It was amazing to see God work and see Him open hearts and mouths to share why they love Him and what their hope is (our team and the Villa girls).
For me, it was a really neat moment being with the kids I love so much from home and the kids that I came to love and disciple. To have them all together was really amazing to me.
God is doing good things already!
This morning we are going to the dump and then our afternoon will be spent working at the Villa. This will give our team a more complete picture of the necessity of the Villa Esperanza. Please pray for them as they go, this can be difficult for some. They will be asked to pray for the needs of many people, the stories are hard and the surroundings can be icky. I want them to see the yuck so they can appreciate the beauty.
This is the same with our lives; we have to see the yuck and the sin to be able to see our need to be saved! If we don't recognize that we are in the yuck we can't recognize the One who wants to make us clean and give us a way out.
Love to you all!!!
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