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The Letter: March 2010

We sent this letter out at the end of March. Thank you to everyone who has faithfully been praying for us and encouraging us in this process! We can't do this alone and we are so thankful that we have a loving family and so many amazing friends, willing to listen and share in this with us.
March 25, 2010

Dear Friends & Family,

Were moving to Nicaragua! Did I really just write that? June 29 we will board a plane to spend 6 months, to a year, to. living in Nicaragua, serving with Forward Edge International.

We have learned to never say never and always keep our hands open to what God wants to take away and what He will give us next; after all He is the Author and Perfecter of our faith. If He truly has written the story of our lives then that is the story we want to live daily ~ we are walking closer to Him than ever before: personally, in our marriage, raising our children, moment by moment. There have been many steps leading us to this decision and there are many steps ahead of us. We want to share every part of this with you because each step has been amazing!

In Nicaragua we will work with Forward Edge International; facilitating short-term mission teams, helping with the business part of F.E.I. and bringing spiritual encouragement to the staff. We will also begin developing a Spanish language school to help with the sustainability of the Villa Esperanza. The ministry in Nicaragua has grown quickly and our hope is to bring encouragement to those who pour out their lives daily.

There is a song by Casting Crowns called In Me, the words say, Ill go, but I cannot go alone. That is how we feel. We are ready and so willing to go but we cant go alone, we need the power of Christ in us and the support of so many people! Would you join us in bringing hope and encouragement to this country? We know that you will receive hope and be so encouraged as you see all that God has planned unfold.

In 1 Peter 3:15 it says, But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. It is our purpose to always share what God is doing in our lives so others will be blessed. We want to share with you why there is hope in the depths of despair in this sweet country of Nicaragua, and hopefully someone will begin to see the hope for their life right here.

We invite you to our home to hear more and have all your questions answered on

Sunday, April 18 from 2-3:30


Thursday, May 13 from 7-8:30

Would you pray for open hearts of the people we will serve? Would you pray for us? Would you consider partnering with us through a monthly donation? Would you look at the list on back of this sheet, is there an item you can help with or do you know someone?

If you have any questions for us please call or email, Dwight and we would love to share more. or 425.275.6961 or 425.329.9016

Well go but we cannot go alone by the power of Christ in us.

Love ~ Dwight, Katie, Josh, Maggie & William McGrew

______Visit our blog at

______Partner in prayer (maybe for one of us specifically)

______Pray for Josh

______Pray for Maggie

______Pray for William

______Pray for Katie

______Pray for Dwight

______Be a monthly financial partner

______Make a one-time donation

______Visit us in Nicaragua (we are counting on you to visit)

______Rent our furnished home (4 bedroom, 2.5 baths $2600 month)

______Provide a home for our sweet Bella (2-1/2 year old yellow lab)

***If you can help with any of the above, please call or email us, to donate financially use the enclosed Forward Edge International response sheet and return to F.E.I.. You can also donate online at ~ go to contributions and find McGrew.

Dwights contact:

Katies contact:

***prayer requests for now

that we would seek God moment by moment

that our family would stay unified and communicate well

that we would trust God as our leader and provider

that the kids finish this school year well

Well, that's it for now. I look forward to sharing the whole story, little by little and hope that you will consider joining us a prayer partner, financial partner or come down and visit.

God is faithful.


  1. I am so excited to see how God will use your family in Nicaragua. Equally excited to see how God will change your hearts in a way where you never can go back. Much love to you!


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