We have spent time at home, enjoying the fans, which from what I understand is what you guys are doing now. The kids have watched movies on Dwight's laptop the last two nights with Judith, their sister here at the Hernandez home and today a movie with Natan, their brother. It is a precious time.
This morning we went to the Villa for Dwight to help with a few computer issues and I helped my sweet friend Flor d liz in the kitchen, have I said yet that I love this woman??? YES! I hope you can all know her one day.
We sure miss all of our friends at home! You are precious to us and we are so thankful for your support. I know that it has been difficult for some to respond to my blog but I know you are reading and praying!
Oh yes, Dwight's phone number.... 425.773.3517.
Dwight and I have had such a good opportunity to talk about many things today. We both know that God has such great things planned for us together! We are thankful for our friends in the Forward Edge office that are praying for us and so supportive and for everyone else!
Con mucho amor!!!
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