It's been awhile since I have been able to put pictures online. I hope you enjoy them so much! Our team was amazing! I am so proud of them and how everyday their hearts and minds were opened so much more! They worked hard, they shared so much, they were always so willing! In the beginning I asked for prayers that their tongues would be loosened and WOW how faithful is our God.
This is the day we spent at HAT, government run temporary foster care. It's a tough place but the place that really impacts people by the love and desperation they see.
Kerri with some girls from HAT
Our team with all of the girls from the Villa and several other amazing friends!
Coralia, Me, Kerri and Flor d liz on night in Rio Blanco. They came with us to cook all of our meals. One of the amazing things about this trip is that no one had any intestinal issues (except Billy, but that was different). Usually around day 7 everyone has some diarrhea but this time NOTHING!!!!
This is a crowd that gathered on Sunday morning in Rio Blanco while Kaitlin shared her testimony of what God is doing in her life. There was a man that accepted Christ this morning!!! Thank you Lord.
Dwight and I. He came to Nicaragua at an extremely busy time, I was divided with staying with the older girls at the Villa and having our team that he didn't get much of my attention until yesterday. Now we are at a beach resort for two nights, just our family. Very necessary!!! He is an amazing husband who has sacrificed a lot. I am so thankful for our time together and to introduce him to all of my special friends in Nicaragua!!!
Emily, Me and Kaitlin. These are two very amazing young women that have grown so much in the last year! I am so amazed at their faith and leadership!!! I love you girls.
These are my favorite men in Nicaragua!!!!!!! Dwight, Mario and Larry ~ each of them amazing and so obedient to what God has called them to!
Dwight and I with Pastor Ramon and his wife Miriam and their two girls. They have given up their lives to pastor the people of La Chureca! I hope to have much more time with this family.
This is our team with the Mayor of Rio Blanco. They are always so touched by our time and efforts in Rio Blanco. The local news station followed us during the day while we picked up trash. They did an interview with me and filmed us even as we took this pictures, we were featured on the news this night for probably 20 minutes, so funny!
Yeyling and I picking up trash. I have so much to write about this little girl. I first met her at HAT. The next week she had escaped and was brought back to HAT on some sort of drugs, the girls from the Villa watched as she was strapped to a bed screaming, it was a very traumatic thing for the girls to see. I was staying with them at the time and worked through the experience with them. That day she was picked up by her mom and they returned to Rio Blanco. Our first night in Rio Blanco with in 5 minutes of being at the park she found me, I was amazed! We spent a lot of time together. She said her mom left her in Rio Blanco and left for the Atlantic Coast. I will write the whole story soon, but it will take some time.

Yeyling accepted Jesus into her heart the night before we left. The next day I received a call from Karen Greene in Managua and she said she found a spot for her at a home for girls coming out of prostitution (see there is so much to this story!!!! I will write all soon) and that there was a place for her. We were literally on our way out of town, the team on the bus and the bus running. Something in me said we had to look for her one more time the city ~ thank you Jesus! Larry, Pastor Sergio and I went to a gas station that was out of town a ways and the location that buses depart from, why this location?????? We looked, didn't find her. Sergio asked an old woman if maybe she knew her, after a bit of a description, she pointed to a tiny shack down a hill and said that is where she lives her family. Sure enough we found her mom and a 20 month old sister. Yeyling wasn't there but I have so much hope that this family will be changed. We had the opportunity to pray for Olinda, her mom and invite them the Sergio's church. I am not sure what Yeyling is thinking now that she knows that I know she told so many lies, but I know God is working and trust her salvation is real and that He will continue His work in her life! I have so much more to write about my experience with this precious girl. God has given me so much peace and grace with her. I have no bitterness from all of her lies, I have hope that she will have a changed heart. From the first time I met her I could see something very special. I wouldn't be surprised if I see her again in my time here.
God is so good. I hope part of my stories make sense. I am so happy to have the opportunity to write again! We are here at Montelimar Resort until tomorrow afternoon. We are hoping to go to Leon this week with Larry and his mom Dolores (and hopefully Kimberly and Jhonny) to visit her church, Dolores is the pastor there. We visited our first trip to Nicaragua 4 years ago.
Please pray for this time for our family that we are a blessing. That Dwights spanish would increase and that he would have the opportunity to build relationships.
The kids are doing great! Maggie is missing Janelle! William is still hunting every animal! And Josh he is loving the freedom that he has here. I am so thankful for this time. I am so thankful that you are on this journey with us! I hope you are able to give testimony to the amazing things happening in your life too!
Puedo escribir mas pronto! Dios le bendiga! Les amamos.
Oh how great is our God and abounding in love!!! What an amazing tapestry God is weaving that you, and your family, and the CCF team get to be apart of. Thank you for taking the time to blog and post pictures; it is a blessing to see what God is doing in Nicaragua. Love you.
ReplyDeleteKate unbelievable. Love the pictures and hope the family is well. Can't wait to hear more about it when you get home. We all love you and will see you when you get home, stay safe. Tell the kids and Dwight hi for me, love you. Uncle Tyler