In 1 Kings 19 God asked Elijah what he was doing, Elijah tells Him how zealous he has been for God and that everyone else has rejected Him and His laws. He tells God he is the only one left following Him.
A bit of a pity party and although we may feel like this sometimes, like we are the only ones doing something important, it's not true. It's easy to spend time feeling sorry for ourselves and wondering why do I have to be the good one? Stay to the task that God has given you and there is a greater reward than what comes in the moment.
Ok, that is not where I intended to go with this....
"So God tells Elijah to 'go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by.'
Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire."
.... let's stop right there for a minute. If I was in the middle of mountains being torn apart and rocks shattering, I would call someone! I would have to tell somebody. But Elijah he says, nope - that wasn't God and he keeps watching. And then, a fire! This was the same mountain (i'm pretty sure) that Moses saw God in a burning bush, so if I were Elijah I might have thought, for sure this is God. I would become consumed with the fire, I am so easily distracted but bring on something big like an earthquake or fire and it consumes me.
Fortunately, Elijah kept watching.
"And after the fire came a gentle whisper. When Elijah heard it, he pulled his cloak over his face and went out and stood at the mouth of the cave."
So often we wait to see God in big events. We put off looking for Him everyday, maybe because we don't expect Him to be in the little things. But I think God cares about laundry and cooking dinner. He's interested in me when I go to Costco and the post office! Every where I go, I know God goes too and He longs to show new things.
The Bible says that "every good and perfect gift is from above", I love that because I know that when I see something good - it's from God! I think it's as simple as someone holding the door or saying have a good day. But do I notice? Do I thank God at that moment? My encouragement is, start thanking God for the little things and He will open your eyes to so much more!
Much of our focus right now is on our summer trip to Nicaragua. It's expensive for our whole family to go but we know it is what God has called us to. So anyway, as I paid our cell phone bill this month I noticed we had a $9 credit, PRAISE GOD! We received a check from our escrow company for $211, PRAISE GOD! Our mortgage payment was $200 less, PRAISE GOD! I know that He is paying attention and doesn't want our focus of this trip to Nicaragua to be on 'can we afford it', He has shown me already He is in the little things!
I will keep you posted on "the little things", I think that is where God does some His best work!
Thanks for posting that, Katie. It was just what I needed to hear. I like when you said, "He's interested in me when I go to Costco and the post office! Every where I go, I know God goes too and He longs to show new things." So often I think that God will only meet me when I am reading my Bible or talking directly to Him. It's encouraging to hear, even though I KNOW, that God is always with me. (Just like you said, when driving, and the whole trinity is surrounding you.)