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The Highlights

God is good and so faithful.

He brought us joy out of sickness (21 out of 24 sick with stomach virus)

He opened hearts to see God in a new way ~ only God can open our hearts and minds.

9 people were baptized in the Rio Blanco ~ Billy, Kaitlin, Nicole, Andi, Julia, Janelle, Joseph, Emma and one woman from Verbo Church named Marlyng!

He overcame conflict and allowed people to live in freedom.

and now He is working in hearts as most of the team returned home, it's not easy to go home and attempt to share or even understand the experience you had. Please pray with me that those at home have an open ear close by and that they recognize that God did everything and that He is waiting to do amazing things right where they are also!!!!

There is a group of kids that have stayed with us in Nicaragua a little longer, it is fun to show them all the things I love about Nicaragua! Last night they wanted to cook dinner at our house so Dwight and I could go out on a date ~ it was so fun to shop with them and see them work together to accomplish good things. They also cleaned our kitchen.

Today we are going to Granada ~ it should be a fun day! My challenge to them is to serve people and continue to see what God is doing ~ He is ALWAYS at work.

About our family...... William had a big homesick moment in Rio Blanco, he had been sick and so so tired and all he wanted was to go to our home in Edmonds. All but Dwight were sick while in Rio Blanco, we are doing well now.

We had our family interview at Nicaragua Christian Academy yesterday, it went well and the thing I love the most was, before we said anything the Director prayed!

What else....... we are learning so much. The reality of we are staying for a long time is beginning to sink in. Dwight said yesterday that "it is so weird when nothing is normal in our lives and that nothing is normal is starting to feel normal". I agree!

We loved having our friend Mike Eslinger here with the team, what a refreshing friend and what a blessing it is to have him open his heart to all that God is doing. It is a blessing to have someone experience this with us right from the beginning!

God is good!

We love you all and dare I say...... we miss you lots!!!!


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