I stopped writing this blog a long time ago... I was tired of others always knowing what was going on in my life and with my family, well... tired of the ones that used my experience in a negative way. But when I stopped writing because of the negative motives of one, I kept the testimony of God's goodness from so many others. If my story can be an encouragement then I want to share, if my story will help someone know Jesus more then I want to share, if my story brings glory to God then for sure I want to share. So I will try to share how I see Him working every single day. I have learned a secret that leads to contentment... I believe contentment waits for us in gratitude and serving others. Apart from these two things it is very difficult to have a lasting peace in your heart. I have become a bit predictable in the groups I lead, there is one question that I feel is important... How have you seen God at work today? This is a qu...
When God works in your life and changes your heart, it becomes your job to make God known and tell of the amazing things he has done! This blog is my way of sharing God's faithfulness in the journey that he has already begun in my life. I want to tell of his amazing love and how he carries out his plan.